Thursday Feb 17, 2022
106. Joseph Graves | Race, Racism, and the Church
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
In Dr. Joseph Graves’ recent book, Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, he and his co-author build a case that our concept of biological races was brought about because of the racism that was a part of the fabric of our lives, not the other way around, as is often assumed. In a previous series of episodes, Dr Graves helped us to understand the nuances of why race is not a biological concept. In this episode, we build on that, talking about institutional racism, the myth that athletic ability is tied to race, and the church’s inaction, so far, on following the call to love our neighbors and enact justice.
Listen to episodes 48 and 49 of Language of God to hear Joseph Graves on the genetics of race.
Find books mentioned in this episode:
Race, not Racism by Joseph Graves and Alan Goodman
Becoming an Anti Racist Church by Joseph Barndt
New Jim Crow by MIchelle Alexander
White Too Long by Robert Jones
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