Thursday Dec 05, 2019
25. Dialogue with Reasons to Believe | Fuz & Darrel
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
This is Part 1 of our dialogue with Reasons to Believe.
For many years BioLogos and Reasons to Believe have been having a dialogue about faith and science. The two organizations agree about the scientific conclusions on the ancient age of the Earth, but disagree on the science of evolution. But we have built a fruitful relationship together. In the first half of our live dialogue, Fuz Rana and Darrel Falk talk about how this relationship developed and then discuss how they have come to such different conclusions when working with the same data.
Fuz Rana is the Vice President of Research and Apologetics at Reasons to Believe. Darrel Falk is the previous president of BioLogos and is Emeritus Professor of Biology at Point Loma Nazarene University.
To learn more about the views of BioLogos and Reasons to Believe you can find an in depth conversation in the book Old Earth or Evolutionary Creation: Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos
This article is referenced in the episode: Understanding Randomness by Kathryn Applegate
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